Advanced Amharic Script

Script Spring 2024

Language: አማርኛ Amharic 101BR

Semester &Year: Spring, 2024

Instructor: Professor Mekonnen Seifu

Students: Yesake, Tsion, Arsema, Naomi, Bereket, Anni, & Selam



1, Two grandparents talking about their gen z grandkids Comparing them and now and Ethiopia vs America

2, Forced marriage but the kids like someone else. Run off at the end with their respective bf/gf


Yesake (side bf)

Elias: prospect


Hermella: Girlfriend


Tibebe: friend who give her advice


Tigist: Angry Mom


Mita: Younger sibling who snitches


Tesfa: Dad


Biruk: Tutor





There was a rich family, living in the a high-end neighborhood.

When the report cards were released, the daughter got a bad mark in her math class so her parents decided to get her a tutor to make sure that she doesn’t fail the class.

After two months, her grades start improving and she grows fond of her tutor.

Scene 1: Girl meets up with her tutor for a “tutoring session”, they hold hands and flirt

Hermella and her tutor (Biruk) are sitting on a table flirting with one another and doing “homework”. They are holding hands when the younger sibling sneaks in and is shocked to see them together.

Her younger sibling sees the couple flirting and goes straight to her parents and snitches. The parents are shocked and head over to Hermela’s room.

Scene 2: Parents confront her about the tutor after walking in on them “studying” and yell at her. They tell her that that have an arranged husband waiting for her when she finishes school

They walk in on the couple studying and they are appalled she would bring such shame to the family because they don’t belong to the same socioeconomic class

The daughter gets up and walks out of the room, and the tutor quickly packs up his stuff and leaves.


Scene 3: The girl goes to her friend to get advice

She goes to her friend and cries about how she wishes she could marry her tutor; her friends comforts her and tells her they just want what's best for her but the girl doesn’t listen and instead makes a plan to run away to ___.

Scene 4: She meets the prospective boyfriend. It is awkward, but the parents love him. She doesn’t talk back to his questions.

Scene 5: She secretly meets with the tutor to tell him her plan and they run away.




አማርኛ (Amharic)


Scene 1: Hermella and Biruk holding hands and studying.

ትዕይንት አንድ: ሄርሜላ እና ብሩክ እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘው የጠኑው።


Selam (Narrator): There was a rich family that lived in the Bole, a high-end neighborhood in Addis Ababa. Tigist and Tesfa, the parents, lived a privileged life and lived with their two daughters. Even though they seemed to have everything, everything was not perfect. When the academic report cards came back, they found out that one of their daughters, Hermella, was failing math. Her failure would have been a shame on their family, so they decided to get her a tutor. They found Biruk, a young boy who takes care of cattle but was really gifted with math. After two months of tutoring with Biruk, Hermella’s grades improved but she began to become fond of Biruk.


Anni (Biruk): So when you multiply this, the answer becomes 15.



Tsion (Hermella): You are so smart.




Anni (Biruk): (Looks deep into Tsion’s eyes) I would be nothing without you. My love, I would do anything for you.



Naomi (): Oh my, are they holding hands? I have to tell mom and dad.


ም፡ በአዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ቦሌ ከፍተኛ ደረጃ ላይ ባለ ሰፈር ውስጥ የሚኖሩ ሀብታም ቤተሰብ ነበሩ። ትግስት እና ተስፋ የተባሉት ወላጆች ጥሩ ኑሮ ኖረው ከሁለት ሴት ልጆቻቸው ጋር አብረው ኖረዋል። ምንም እንኳን ሁሉም ነገር ያላቸው ቢመስሉም, ሁሉም ነገር ፍጹም አልነበረም. የአካዳሚክ ሪፖርቶች ካርዶች ሲመለሱ፣ አንዷ ሴት ልጃቸው ሄርሜላ በሒሳብ እየወደቀች እንደሆነ አወቁ። የእሷ ውድቀት ለቤተሰቦቻቸው አሳፋሪ ይሆን ነበር, ስለዚህ ሞግዚት ሊያደርጉላት ወሰኑ. ከብቶችን የሚንከባከብ ነገር ግን የሂሳብ ችሎታ ያለው ወጣት ብሩክን አገኙት። ከሁለት ወር ብሩክ ጋር ስታስተምር ሄርሜላ ውጤቷ ተሻሽሏል ግን የቢሩክን መውደድ ጀመረች።




አኒ (ብሩክ): ስለዚህ ይህንን ሲባዛ፣አስራ አምስት ይሆናል።


ዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ አንተህ በጣም ግበዝ ነህ

አኒ (ብሩክ): ያለ አንቺ ምንም አይደለሁም። ፍቅሬ ፣ ላንቺ ሁሉ ነገር አደርግልሃለሁ።


ናኦሚ፡ ወይኔ እጅ ለእጅ ተያይዘው ነበር ወይ? ለእናቴና አባቴ መናገር አለብኝ።

Scene 2: Hermella’s parents yelling at her

ትዕይንት ሁለት

(Hermella’s parents storm into the room)


Arsema (Tigist): Hmph! We did not spend our hard-warned money for you to act like this, but rather for you to improve your grades!


Bereket (Tesfa): Oh dear! Oh dear! We did not raise a daughter like this! I don’t know where you brought this behavior from but I want our daughter back. Bring her back!




አርሴማ፡ ድካማችንን ገንዘባችንን ለዚህ አላወጣንም! ውጤቶቻችሁ እየቀነሱ ሳለ ጊዜህን በሳቅ ታጠፋለህ።



በረከት፡ ወይ ጉድ ኧረ ወይ ጉድ! እንደዚ አላሳደግንሽም። ይህን ባህሪ ከየት እንዳመጣሽ ፈጣሪ ይወቀው። የድሮ ልጄን መልሸልኝ! ወዲያውኑ መልሺልን!

Scene three: Hermella talks to her Friend

ትዕይንት ሶስት፡ ሄርሜላ ከጓደኛዋ ጋር ትናገራለች።

Tsion (Hermella): Tibebe, my parents found out about Biruk and they told me they found another husband for me.


Lydia (Tibebe): Your parents just want the best for you, they don’t want to hurt you.


Tsion (Hermella): If they loved me, they would let me marry Biruk.


Lydia (Tibebe): You know what they say, if you mourn from the heart, the tears will not stop.


Tsion (Hermella): You’re right, so I must run away to another country if I want to be with Biruk. Thank you for your advice.


[Tsion (Hermella) leaves.]


Lydia (Tibebe): Advise him, advise him. If he refuses, let trouble advise him.

ዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ ጥበበ፣ ወላጆቼ ስለ ብሩክ አወቁና ሌላ ባል እንዳገኙልኝ ነገሩኝ።




ሊዲያ (ቲቤቤ)፥ ወላጆችሽ ዪወዱሻል እና ደስ እንዲልሽ ነው ሚፈልጉት፤ እንጂ ሊጎዱሽ ሊዲያ (ቲቤቤ)፥ አይደለም።


ዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ የእውነት ከወደዱኝ፣ ብሩክን እንዳገባ ይፈቅዱልኛል።


ሊዲያ (ቲቤቤ)፥ የሚሉትን ታውቃለሽ፣ ከልብ ካዘኁ ዕንባ አይገድም።



ዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ ልክ ነሽ ስለዚህ ከብሩክ ጋር መሆን ከፈለግኩ፣ ሌላ አገር መሄድ አለብን።


ብሩክ፡ ስላማከርሺን አመሰግናለው።


[ሄርሜላ ወጣች።]


ሊዲያ (ቲቤቤ)፥ ምከረው ምከረው እምቢ ካለ መከራ ይምከረው።

Scene 4: Hermella’s Family and Hermella eating dinner with her prospective husband.

ትዕይንት አራት: ወላጆቹ እና ሄርሜላ ከየወደፊትዋ ባል እራት ሲበሉ።

Bereket (Tefsa): Elias, what do you do for a living?

Yesake (Elias): I am the lead neurosurgeon at Black Lion Hospital. As for my second job, I am the director of Astronomy and defense for Ethiopia.


Bereket (Tefsa): wow, Hermella do you hear that, what do you think? Cool guy right?


Tsion (Hermella): So what?


Yesake (Elias): Biruk what do you do?


Tsion (Hermella): Don’t worry about it


Anni (Biruk): My occupation doesn’t define me as a person. My love for Hermella is all that matters.


Dad mom (have angry reaction about her responses) (small fight with Tsion in front of Elias)


Bereket (Tesfa): Do you hear that! How do you plan to make a living with that nonsense! I have a fool for a daughter; I had thought she was a bright girl. How wrong I am!

Arsema (Tigist): Hermella, behave! What is wrong with you? I did not raise you to be like this!


Yesake (Elias): Hermella, you are very beautiful, but I can see now is not a great time, so I am going to excuse myself.


Arsema (Tigist): Elias, please stay! I promise you she is not like this. I don't understand why she is being so rude!


Yesake (Elias): I am sorry, farewell…

በረከት (ተፍሳ)፥ ኤሊያስ፣ ምን አይነት ስራ ነው ምትሰራው፧


ኤልያስ: እኔ በጥቁር አንበሳ ሆስፒታል ዋና የነርቭ ቀዶ ጥገና ሐኪም ነኝ። ሁለተኛ ሥራዬን በተመለከተ የኢትዮጵያ የሥነ ፈለክ ጥናትና መከላከያ ዳይሬክተር ነኝ።



በረከት: ሄርሜላ: ስለ እሱ ምን ታስብያለሽ?




ዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ እሺ: እና? ለምን ያስጨንል?


ኤልያስ: ብሩክ ምን ታደርጋለህ?


ዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ ስለ እኔ አትጨነቅ


አኒ (ብሩክ)፥ ስራዬ ማን እንደሆንኩ አይገልጽም። ዋናው ነገሩ ለሄርሜላ ያለኝ ፍቅር ነው።





በረከት፡ ትሰሚያለሽ የዚን ልጅ ጉድ! በምን ልመየዳደር ነው ይሄን ስራ ፈት የወደድሽው። አይ ሞኝነት። ልጄ ጎበዝ ናት እላለው ለካ ሞኝ ናት፣ ጂሎች!


ትግስት: ሄርሜላ ፣ ምግባር! አንት ግን ምንድነው ችግርህ? እንደዚህ እንድትሆኝ አላደረግሁሽም።



ኤልያስ: ሄርሜላ፣ በጣም ቆንጆ ነሽ፣ ግን አሁን አይቻለሁ ትክክለኛው ጊዜ ስላልሆነ ልሄድ ነው።



ትግስት: ኤልያስ እባክህ ቆይ! እሷ እንደዚህ አይደለችም ብዬ ቃል እገባልሃለሁ። ለምንድነዉ እንደዚህ ባለ ጨዋነት እንዳለባት አይገባኝም።


ኤልያስ: ይቅርታ፣ ደህና ሁኚ

Scene 5: Hermella and Biruk decide to run away together

ትዕይንት አራት

Tsion (Hermella): I can’t be here anymore. I need to do what my heart is telling me to do. I can’t live without you Biruk.

Anni (Biruk): So what are we going to do? Your parents will never accept me.

Tsion (Hermella): Let’s run away together?

(Hold hands (tentatively) and run off stage)

The End!!!

ዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ እዚ መኖር አልፈልግም: ደሞ ካለ አንተ መኖር አልችልም::


አኒ (ብሩክ)፥ ታዲያ ምን እናድርግ፧ ወላጆችሽን በፍጹም አይቀበሉኝም።

ፂዮን (ሄርሜላ)፥ ስለዚ አብረን እንጥፋ?






Script Fall 2023